Spetito (Spend time together) is simple social network for giving non-binding offers to your friends, and from the opposite view, for a comprehensive overview of all offers from your friends. Offers may look like this:
We also plan to add groups for people sharing similar interests, ideally in the same location, for example:Košice dog owners, Prešov tourists,The lonely souls of Nitraetc.
Although Facebook contains events and it is also possible to post offers in messages, it contains a lot of other things that makes it impossible search for all relevant offers. The events on Facebook themselves are understood as invitations, while at Spetito they are (non-binding) offers, in the form similar to advertisements, but only within the circle of your friends. Few people will create a Facebook event that they are about to make a little jogging tonight and would love to have some company. Spetito is ideal for such offers.
In addition, Facebook is full of irrelevant sponsored posts and advertising. You'll also never find some friends on Facebook, because not everyone "loves it".
Spetito is only for posting and browsing friends' offers. If someone is interested in the offer, then he/she contacts his/her friend for example by telephone, or by a communication application they usually use to talk together. A chat is also planned for Spetito in the future. The idea is that communication should only be between the offerrer and the interested party; not among a group of people interrested in a particular offer, who may not even know each other.